Thursday, September 2, 2010

Potty training.

Well Connor is learning how to potty train.  It's not a very fun milestone.  Please tell me mothers out there that it gets easier!  It's crazy how excited you get though when they actually go to the potty.  The other night me and Corey were sitting on the couch and Connor came to me saying, "tee tee mommy!"  So he grabbed my hand and brought me into the bathroom and showed me that he used his potty all by his self! I was so proud of him! He is only 20 months old, so I figured we are doing pretty good. 

The only part he has trouble with is forgetting to tell mommy or daddy he has to go BEFORE.  Sometimes he tells us during or after, but we are working on that.  I'm doing the whole "you get a treat when you potty" thing, which is helpful, but there has to be another trick! The only person I always want to ask is my mom.  So maybe me and Connor will get through this together and help each other. 


  1. Yikes!! have fun with that and tell me how that goes so I can know when I potty train Norah!!! hahaha..Good luck!! I do know that boys are a lot harder to potty train then girls!! have fun with that!! Love you :))))

  2. I will just say that Caden going to daycare helped me A LOT! They did it all at the same time there. Good Luck girlie! :)

  3. 20 months is early!!! Wow - that's awesome Em. You are doing a fabulous job. When I put Ryan on the potty, I put him on backwards when he had to tee tee. So they may help you guys out when using other potties!

    Love you sweet sweet girl.

  4. Thank you for all the encouragement!!! It's definitely a challenge. haha.
    Kim- I have been doing that a little with the backwards thing, but sometimes it scares him haha. He prefers to stand up and do it. Which amazes me! I'm definitely proud of my little man!! I just hope he keeps at it!

    I will definitely let you know Becca. So far it's scary and hilarious all at the same time!

    Brittany- I'm thinking about putting him daycare so maybe that will push him a little more into full time potty training. :)

