Sunday, November 6, 2011

Connor's 3rd Birthday!!

Has another year gone by already? It seems like they just keep going by faster and faster. I cannot believe my little boy is now three. It seems just like yesterday I was laying in the hospital bed waiting for the doctors to come back to get me for my C-section. They came in at 12 p.m. and by 12:55 p.m. my little boy was born. He was 19 1/2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds and 11 onces. They carried him over to me and he was a little blue baby and blinked so slowly. They took to me the recovery room and then back to my room. After waiting the longest four hours of my life I finally got to see and hold my new miracle in my life. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck so they had to keep him under oxygen (hints why he was so blue). All I kept hearing was my dad saying "he lift the oxygen thing right up!!". Corey would take pictures of him and bring them back for me to look at. I will never forget the day my life changed. I was sitting in the hospital room holding him and my mother was sitting next to me and all of a sudden he just lifts his little head up, only a few hours old, and looked at me. I looked at my mom and said "is that normal?" she laughed and said "no..". And now it feels I have blinked my eyes and here we are now and he is turning three years old. He still a very strong little boy and keeps me busy at all times. He so compassionate and observant. I tell him all the time how lucky he is going to make a woman one day. He apologizes before I even have to ask him to and always notices if I change anything. He was definitely a God send miracle and God definitely knew what he was doing when he sent him to me. Although I was so young when I had him, I would not change a thing. Because he helped me grow into the person I am today. He has taught me so much and I have gained a new respect for my parents now knowing what all they sacrificed and the love they gave to me that was unconditional. It has been a rollercoaster these past three years and he has been by his mommy's side the whole way. No matter what I have gone through I know I always have that little smile to give me hope. He is my little bundle of joy. Although it was only the two of us at the beginning we are now a complete family that I am so thankful for and I love the two boys in my life! I can't wait to see what this new chapter holds for our  little family. Maybe it will grow soon? Well, okay, probably not too soon! :) Happy 3rd Birthday Connor Hayes Crumpton!  Mommy loves you very much!!

Connor under oxygen.

My beautiful baby boy!

Connor on his first birthday!

Connor on his second birthday!

Connor's 3rd Birthday!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Our Wedding Weekend.

So, last weekend (September 17, 2011) I became a married woman.  It was an AMAZING weekend. I got to reconnect with old friends, make new memories, and become an official family.  It was Connor's first time at the beach and he absolutely loved it.  From the moment we got there we ran out to the beach and Connor didn't leave the beach until we left.  It will be a weekend I will never forget. 

All of mine and Corey's friends came and we spent the whole weekend reminiscing on old memories and laughing.  Everyone pitched in and helped us get everything together and I honestly could not have done it without everyone's help!! The service was beautiful!  Bro. Bill Lutz did an amazing job and spoke so beautifully.  He made it so personal and sentimental.  I know my mother was watching down and smiling over me that day.  She would have enjoyed that weekend so much. One of the main reasons I wanted a beach wedding was because the beach was my mother's favorite place to be.  She actually gave me the idea years ago about renting a beach house and doing the wedding there and having the reception at the house. 

I am so thankful for all of my family and friends.  Each and everyone of you mean so much to me. Me and Corey are so blessed to have so many people that love and care about us.  I just hope our marriage continues to prosper and our family continues to grow.  So thank you to EVERYONE that came and helped us on the day that started our new life together. So please pray for us as we start this new chapter in our life.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

God's fingerprints.

So today Corey came in and told me he had to go to Maryland for the whole weekend (my birthday weekend).  I was disappointed, but being use to his work I know it comes with the job. So I as I began to pack his suitcase as I always do I noticed there was a book in it. Curious to know what book it was I opened it up to a random page and started reading it. I love those moments where you didn't even realize you needed to hear something until God just puts it right in front of your face. I loved it so much I had to share with all of you....

Remember that Everything Has God's Fingerprints on It
By:  Richard Carlson, chapter 49

"Rabbi Harold Kushner reminds us that everything that God has created is potentially holy.  Our task as humans is to find that holiness in what appears to be unholy situations.  He suggests that when we can learn to do this, we will have learned to nurture our souls.  It's easy to see God's beauty in a beautiful sunrise, a snow-capped mountain, the smile of a healthy child, or in ocean waves crashing on a sandy beach.  But can we learn to find the holiness in seemingly ugly circumstances--difficult life lessons, a family tragedy, or a struggle for life?

When our life is filled with the desire to see the holiness in everyday things, something magical begins to happen.  A feeling of peace emerges.  We begin to see nurturing aspects of daily living that were previously hidden to us.  When we remember that everything has God's fingerprints on it, that alone makes it special.  If we remember this spiritual fact while we are dealing with a difficult person or struggling to pay our bills, it broadens our perspective.  It helps us to remember that God also created the person you are dealing with or that, despite your struggle to pay your bills, you are truly blessed to have all that you do.

Somewhere, in the back of your mind, try to remember that everything has God's fingerprints on it.  The fact that we can't see the beauty in something doesn't suggest that it's not there.  Rather, it suggests that we are not looking carefully enough or with a broad enough perspective to see it."

This chapter of the book is so true and it helped me today so I hope it helped one you!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wedding daze...


As most of you know I am getting married on September 17th.  Which is only a little over a month away! If any of you have ever planned a wedding you know that it is one of the most stressful and time consuming thing you will ever do! I am just ready for the day to be here and I can actually enjoy all this hard work I have put into it.  My sweet fiance though just puts up with my "bridezilla" mood swings. He never knows when he comes home from work if I will be excited and happy or freaking out and crying over something. I have a new respect for wedding planners. I honestly do not know how they do it for a living.  From the tiny details to picking out the venue. Doing it all on your own makes it ten times more stressful.  I feel like I am going to run out of time and money before the wedding is here, but hopefully everything will work out beautifully. I just hope Corey survives all my mental breakdowns before we walk down the aisle and we can actually start our life together! I am just excited to be at the beach with our friends and family getting to experience one of the most special moments in our life with the people we love.  

September 17, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think it's safe to say we are out of the baby stage.

  Connor will be 2 1/2 next month and it just amazes me how much my little man has grown in just the last 5 months.  I cut his hair for the FIRST TIME Monday night and I didn't realize how sad it would make me!  I pulled his baby journal out that night (big mistake!).  It brought tears to my eyes seeing how much he has accomplished over the past 2 1/2 years.  He changes everyday, learning something new.  I realized my days of bottle feeding in the middle of the night and holding his fingers while he walks is a thing of the past.  Now on to chasing him nonstop and saying "no, no Connor!" and hearing him asking me "what's that?" on a minute by minute basis.  I still don't understand why God chose me to be this beautiful miracle's mother, but I am forever grateful.  At the end of each day I am mentally and physically exhausted and counting down the minutes when Corey gets home from work, but through it all I honestly could not imagine my life without this silly and curious little boy.  People told me after I had him to cherish every moment because it goes by so fast and I always just shook my head in agreement, but is it so true! I feel like just yesterday he was my little butter bean laying in my arms.  And now he is growing into a smart and handsome little boy.  He has to know how everything works and why it does what.   My life was changed dramatically when he came into my life, he taught me how to grow and mature into the person I needed to be. If we ever make it through the "terrible two's", I will be so anxious to see what phase is next. Bring on....T-ball and preschool?? :/ Wow, that doesn't even sound right. Well, whatever comes next I guess with a box of tissues I can accept my little boy growing up.  I love you Connor Hayes Crumpton and no matter how old you are, you will always be Mommy's little boy!!