Friday, July 22, 2011

Wedding daze...


As most of you know I am getting married on September 17th.  Which is only a little over a month away! If any of you have ever planned a wedding you know that it is one of the most stressful and time consuming thing you will ever do! I am just ready for the day to be here and I can actually enjoy all this hard work I have put into it.  My sweet fiance though just puts up with my "bridezilla" mood swings. He never knows when he comes home from work if I will be excited and happy or freaking out and crying over something. I have a new respect for wedding planners. I honestly do not know how they do it for a living.  From the tiny details to picking out the venue. Doing it all on your own makes it ten times more stressful.  I feel like I am going to run out of time and money before the wedding is here, but hopefully everything will work out beautifully. I just hope Corey survives all my mental breakdowns before we walk down the aisle and we can actually start our life together! I am just excited to be at the beach with our friends and family getting to experience one of the most special moments in our life with the people we love.  

September 17, 2011